The Veterans Service Commission provides short term basic living needs to eligible veterans, spouses, dependent children and widows on emergency basis. The individual applying for assistance will need to stop by the office and fill out the application before the 1st Tuesday of the month.
DD214 (or equivalent)
Completion of Financial Assistance Packet
Proof of residency (mail with name and address or lease)
Proof of household income (check stub)
Current monthly bills
Must be Putnam County resident for min. of 90 days.
Financial Assistance
Title 59, Ohio Revised Code, requires each County Veterans Service Commission to establish and administer a financial assistance program. As such, each county develops its own policies and guidelines regarding financial assistance and is NOT bound by the policies of any other county. The Veterans Service Commissioner’s primary concern is to help the veteran and their dependents that are in need of immediate financial assistance. The financial assistance grants provided to the veterans and their families are not intended to be on a long term, ongoing basis. They are designed to provide assistance to those who encounter situations usually of emergent need that threatens their health or safety.
An applicant for assistance must utilize all available income and resources in meeting the emergent need. There are no minimum or maximum levels established for financial assistance. Each application is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. All applicants who are physically capable of work must be actively seeking employment. All applicants must provide proof of income and proof of all bills paid and due for the past 30 days. The final determination of any financial assistance application presented through this office is solely at the discretion of the Veterans Service Commissioner.