Educational Benefits 
These benefits vary, depending upon the period and length of service. There are numerous educational programs, including the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the Montgomery GI Bill, and the Veteran Readiness and Employment  (formerly known as Vocational Rehabilitation).

Insurance Benefits
Available to service connected veterans once a service connected rating has been determined.

Burial Benefits
These benefits are payable to dependents of veterans who were receiving VA compensation or pension payments at the time of death. All veterans whose service was honorable are entitled to a VA grave marker and a burial flag, with military honors at their funeral or service. If desired, a VA medallion that can be affixed to a monument may be issued rather than a standard grave marker.

Home Loan
Guaranty certificates are available to most veterans. This is not a loan, but a guarantee for a certain percentage of the mortgage loan.

Individual Unemployability (IU) is a part of VA’s disability compensation program that allows VA to pay certain veterans compensation at the 100% rate, even though VA has not rated their service-connected disabilities at the 100% level.

Presumptive Conditions
VA presumes that specific disabilities diagnosed in certain veterans were caused by their military service. VA does this because of the unique circumstances of their military service. If one of these conditions is diagnosed in a veteran in one of these groups, VA presumes that the circumstances of his/her service caused the condition, and disability compensation can be awarded.

Military Sexual Trauma
Some veterans may have experienced personal assault or sexual trauma while serving in the military. These kinds of experiences can sometimes affect veterans’ mental and physical health, even many years later. Veterans can apply for disability compensation for any current difficulties that are related to their service, including difficulties related to personal assault or military sexual trauma (MST). You do not need a VA service-connected disability rating to be eligible for free MST-related treatment through VA. No documentation is required to receive MST-related treatment.

Incarcerated Veterans
VA can pay certain benefits to veterans who are incarcerated in a Federal, State, or local penal institution; however, the amount the VA can pay depends on the type of benefit and reason for incarceration.

Fiduciary Program
The fiduciary program provides oversight of VA’s most vulnerable beneficiaries who are unable to manage their VA benefits because of injury, disease, the infirmities of advanced age, or under 18 years of age. VA appoints fiduciaries who manage VA benefits for these beneficiaries and conducts oversight of VA-appointed fiduciaries to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the beneficiaries they serve.

Former POW
Today, former POWs are generally entitled to a presumption of service-connection for eight diseases, regardless of the length of captivity, if manifested to a degree of 10 percent or more after discharge or release from active military, naval, or air service.

Auto Grants
Financial assistance, in the form of a grant, is available to purchase a new or used automobile (or other conveyance) to accommodate a veteran or Servicemember with certain disabilities that resulted from an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during active military service.

Specially Adapted Housing Program
The Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) programoffers grants to certain servicemembers and veterans with severe service-connected disabilities to assist them in building, remodeling, or purchasing an adapted home

Enhanced/Special Monthly Pension
Higher monthly pension for recipients who are housebound or require the assistance of others.

Special Monthly Compensation
VA can pay more compensation to a veteran who lost the use of specific organs or body parts due to military service.